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- VitalConnect ReadMe File
- V I T A L C O N N E C T V1.4
- © 1998 by SulliTech Online
- Pete Sullivan
- = ShareWARE =
- Contents
- --------
- Description
- Requirements
- Installation
- Usage
- Demo Limitations
- Copyright
- Redistribution
- Disclaimer
- History
- Acknowledgements
- Updates
- Support
- Utopia
- Register
- Description
- -----------
- VitalConnect is a combined Program Launcher and Internet Connection
- utility. It is designed to be completely user-friendly and idiot-proof!
- It is the quickest, easiest and cheapest way to @{"connect" LINK Fullset} to the Net!
- Requirements
- ------------
- You have to have the following to use VitalConnect
- All seven programs MUST be in the `VitalConnect` directory!
- o AmigaOS 2.0 (37) or higher
- o An AMIGA.....`020 or better
- o A Modem.........the faster the better but not less than 14,400bps
- o A 256 colour Workbench (Purely asthetic for the program, but necessary for the Net really!)
- Amiga `040/`060, graphics card, 56k Voice/Fax Modem, Hypercom fast serial port and a 15"or bigger Monitor!
- ................................................. _
- o Miami V3.0(Demo) (included!) |
- |
- o Dopus (at least 4.1 (given away on Coverdisks)) |
- |
- o VoyagerNG (Demo) (Coverdisks) |
- ----- All these progs should be registered if
- o AmiFTP (Demo)(included!) | you use them regularly!....
- |
- o YAM Mailer (included) |
- |
- o Archiver(Demo) (included) _|
- o AmIRC (30day Demo)(Then if you use it you should register!)
- o......Most of these programs utilise MUI V3.6 or higher!...........
- Installation
- ------------
- `VitalConnect Install` (requires Commodore's Installer), will
- automatically take care of all installation necessary to make the
- program `plug`n`play` and make it automatically start it`s NetLink
- dock upon `REBOOT`!
- The Voyager demo and your version of Dopus should be installed or
- dragged into the `VitalConnect` directory now on your hard drive!
- Thats all there is to it!
- Usage
- -----
- "Click and Play." The buttons are self-explanatory in the `Main`
- window and the icons to the left of those buttons are transferred
- to the `NetLink` window to accomplish the same functions!
- Both `Close` buttons in and on the `NetLink` window will bring up
- the `Main` window, therfore, you can only quit VitalConnect completely
- from the `Main` window!
- The `SetUp` button brings up `Miami.Int` where Miami must be
- configured to your ISP (Internet Service Provider). Of course, in the
- FULL `VitalConnect Package`, Miami, AmiFTP and YAM will be pre-configured
- to your ISP, e-mail addresses and your OWN Website designed by
- SulliTech Online to your specifications.
- The FULL package is TRULY `Plug`n`Play Surfin` time!
- You will just click on `VitalConnect Install` then `REBOOT`, then all you
- have to do is click on `CONNECT`! Instantly on the Net, Instantly ready to
- collect your e-mails! Instantly able to upload and download to and from
- YOUR VERY OWN WEBSITE!, Aminet and others!
- Demo Limitations
- This demo is only limited by it`s inability to utilise the `NetLink`
- window. This limitation will be removed with a keyfile upon payment of
- the £10 Shareware fee (Dead Cheap!)!
- Send your registration fee to:
- Peter J. Sullivan
- 8 Bramham Drive
- HG3 2TY
- England
- UK
- Please make cheques & postal orders out to `P.J.Sullivan`
- Copyright
- ---------
- VitalConnect is SHAREWARE, i.e. if you use this program regulary you have to
- register!
- You can find the Registration address at the end of this Document.
- VitalConnect is © Copyright by SulliTech Online(Pete Sullivan)1998
- All rights reserved.
- Trademarks:
- o Amiga, AmigaDOS and Workbench are registered trademarks of
- Amiga International.
- Redistribution
- --------------
- VitalConnect may be re-distributed in unchanged form only and including
- all files. The choice of media is up to the distributor. Any commercial
- distribution is expressly forbidden!
- VitalConnect-Copyright©1998 - Pete Sullivan & Sullitec Online
- ----------
- This program carries NO warranty, either expressed or implied. Except when
- otherwise stated in writing, the Copyright© holder and/or other parties provide
- the program "as is" without warranty of any kind, including, but not limited
- to the implied warranties of merchatability and fitness for a particular
- purpose.
- The entire risk as to the quality and performance of the program is with
- you. Should the program prove defective, you assume any costs which may be
- incurred for servicing, repair or correction.
- In NO event, unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, will
- any Copyright© holder and/or any other party who may re-distribute the program
- as permitted above, be liable to you for damages, including any general, special,
- incidental or consequential damages arising out of the use, or, inability to use
- the program, (including, but not limited to, loss of data or data being rendered
- inaccurate or losses sustained by you or third parties or a failure of the program
- to operate with other programs.),even if such a holder or other party has been
- advised of the possibility of such damages. (WITHOUT PREDJUDICE).
- The FULL`VitalConnect` package is only available in the United Kingdom!
- History
- -------
- Version 1.4: Initial Release (July 15, 1998)
- Uploaded to AMINET
- Because there had to be a cheaper, faster, easier way!
- It occurred to me that not everyone knew their Amiga inside out, and
- that they just used it for enjoyment but, at the same time, would
- dearly like to `Surf the Net`, "if only they didn`t need to know
- anything about how to do it!"
- `VitalConnect` solves this problem! The user need do little or nothing
- to get on the Net!
- Acknowledgements
- ----------------
- I must say thank you to all the people who helped me directly or
- indirectly in developing this program and/or supported me in technical or
- `cups of tea` type ways.
- - My son, Liam - sullitec@vital.co.uk - http://www.vital.co.uk/sullitec/liamlink
- For being my No.1 beta-tester!
- - My daughter, Georgina - trades@knaresborough.co.uk - http://www.vital.co.uk/sullitec/georgie
- For keeping me young!
- - To Tim Groves, Isle of Wight - tim.groves@ukonline.co.uk
- For being my No.1+ beta-tester and the very first person to use VitalConnect! (Other than me, that is!)
- - To Holger Kruse - kruse@nordicglobal.com - http://www.nordicglobal.com
- For allowing me to include a demo of his excellent MIAMI!
- - To Marcel Beck - mbeck@access.ch - The new YAM Support site is- http://www.yam.ch
- For permission to include YAM in my package and he has asked me to point out that YAM is `FREEWARE`
- and any Shareware fee paid is for VitalConnect alone and not for YAM!
- - Magnus Lilja - lilja@lysaytor.liu.se - http://www.lysaytor.liu.se/~lilja
- For his kind permission to include AmiFTP in my package! Again, any Shareware fee paid for
- VitalConnect does not, and will not, include the Shareware fee(s) for AmiFTP or any other
- individual program in the VitalConnect package!
- - Dr Greg Perry - greg@gpsoft.com.au - http://www.gpsoft.com.au
- For allowing me to nominate Directory Opus as the main file handling resource for VitalConnect!
- Dr Perry asks me to let you know that you can obtain Directory Opus (Latest Version) direct from
- GPSoftware,PO Box 570, Ashgrove, Qld, Australia 4060 - Phone/Fax +61 7 33661402 or from their
- British distributor who are, (I think) Wizard Developements.
- All those supporting Shareware. :o)
- Pete Sullivan :)
- Updates
- -------
- The latest Version(s) of VitalConnect will be found on Aminet.
- or from our Website at:-
- http://www.vital.co.uk/sullitec
- e-mail:- sullitec@harrogate.com
- Support
- -------
- Please send Registration Fee, any bugs/errors, remarks about the program, questions or anything
- else to:
- Peter J. Sullivan
- 8 Bramham Drive
- HG3 2TY
- England
- UK
- Please make all cheques, postal orders etc. to `P.J.Sullivan`.
- Technical:- sullitec@vital.co.uk
- Sales:- sullitec@harrogate.com
- Website:- http://www.vital.co.uk/sullitec
- 24hr Support Line:- 01423 526921
- Utopia
- ------
- The FULL VitalConnect package is designed to be a one-stop purchase for the Internet!
- This excludes the Shareware fees for any preferred Shareware software which you may use!
- ("Support your Shareware programmer")
- The FULL (Automatically Registered!) VitalConnect package consists of:-
- * Connection to the Internet through Vital Online (Fully
- Amiga orientated ISP...!) (100% Local Call!)for one FULL year!
- * Personal Username & Password - Chosen by YOU!
- * 3 e-mail addresses - Chosen by YOU!
- * Your very OWN (Controlled by YOU!) personal Website, designed
- by us SulliTech Online for your own particular needs! (NO PORNOGRAPHY!)
- -----
- * Your site will be pre-configured for YOU! This includes subsites
- for your wife/husband/girlfriend/boyfriend/lover or your
- kids, relatives, friends, cat, dog, budgie or anyone, up to a
- maximum of three subsites! (THEY MAKE GREAT GIFTS!)
- * Free beginners tutorial in HTML (if required) to
- allow you to design and maintain your own site! FULL SUPPORT!
- * Miami, YAM and AmiFTP will be fully pre-configured to you, your
- computer and your connection! (Nothing for you to do!)
- * Full Technical Support will be available for both VitalConnect
- and your ISP (Internet Service Provider) connection!
- * The FULL version of VitalConnect configured specifically for you
- and your needs!
- * For an extra £5 fee you can even have VitalConnect personalised
- with your name, or any name you wish, in the TitleBar and inside the main window!
- * VitalConnect is the ULTIMATE in hassle free Internet/Web/e-mail connection!
- Register
- --------
- The Registration Fee for the stand-alone program launcher/net connection utility `VitalConnect`
- is only:-
- £10 UK Personalised Copy £15 UK
- $15 USA Personalised Copy $18 USA
- Dm20 Ger. Personalised Copy Dm30 Ger.
- This is the same great program which is included in the FULL `VitalConnect` package
- the only differences are that you will have to configure each program yourself!
- Full instructions will be sent upon registration on how to do this quickly and
- easily with the stand alone program!
- Quite a few Amigans already use @{"these programs" LINK Requirements} and have them configured to their
- needs already! If this is the case then `VitalConnect` will tie them all together for easy access
- from your Workbench! Even if you are already connected to the Net!
- _____________________________________
- Registration Fee
- Our SPECIAL STARTUP Registration Fee for the FULL VitalConnect package
- including `VitalConnect`, ISP connection with Vital Online (100% Local Access Telephone Calls),
- your OWN Website designed by SulliTech Onlineand ALL pre-configuration and support for one
- year is ONLY:-
- £39.50 + Direct Debit Mandate for only £14.50 per month!
- ____________________________________
- The Registration Fee for the FULL VitalConnect package including
- `VitalConnect`, ISP connection with Vital Online (100% Local Access Telephone Calls),
- your OWN Website designed by SulliTech Onlineand ALL
- pre-configuration and support for one year is ONLY:-
- £198 per Year UK
- Please send Registration Fees to:-
- Peter J. Sullivan
- 8 Bramham Drive
- HG3 2TY
- England
- UK
- Please make all cheques, postal orders etc. to `P.J.Sullivan`.
- Technical:- sullitec@vital.co.uk
- Sales:- sullitec@harrogate.com
- Website:- http://www.vital.co.uk/sullitec
- 24hr Support Line:- 01423 526921
- End of ReadMe